
Lin, Mei-Yin
副教授 Associate Professor
TEL:886-2-22368225 ext.63405 / FAX:886-2-22361658
簡歷 Curriculum Vitae
管院大樓M609 研究室
Office Hour:(五)2-5節
研究專長/興趣 Fields of Interest
總體經濟學 Macroeconomics、貨幣理論 Monetary Policy、國際金融 International finance
Ph. D. in Economics, National Taiwan University.


  1. Lin, M. Y. and An, C.L. (2021) “The relationship between Bitcoin and resource commodity futures: Evidence from NARDL approach”, Resources Policy, 74, No. 102383. (SSCI)
  2. Lin, M. Y. (2015) “ Deposit insurance and effectiveness of monetary policy”, Applied Economics Letters, 28:18, 1443-1449. (SSCI)
  3. Lin, M. Y. (2014) “The Sustainability of External Debt in OECD Countries: Evidence from Quantile Autoregression”, Research in world economy, 5:2, 31-42. (EconLit)
  4. Lin, M. Y., Hsu, H. Y. and Wang, J. S. (2013). “The Bargaining Power in Taiwan Interbank Overnight Market”. International Journal of Economics and Finance, 5:9, 50-58. (Econlit).
  5. Wang, J. S. and Lin, M. Y. (2012) “Game-Theoretic Analysis of Renouncing Membership of a Party to Announce Candidacy”, Modern Economy, 3:5, 653-657. (EconLit).
  6. Lin, M. Y., Tseng, Y. T. and Wang, J. S. (2011) “Closeness and Turnout: Evidence from Election of Taiwan”, Economics Bulletin, 31:2, 1922-1928. (EconLit)
  7. Lin, M. Y. (2011) “Foreign Reserves and Economic Growth: Granger Causality Analysis with Panel Data”, Economics Bulletin, 31: 2, 1563-1575. (EconLit)
  8. Lin, M. Y., Wang, J. S. (2009) “Foreign Exchange Reserves and Inflation: an Empirical Study of Five East Asian Economies ”, Empirical Economics Letters. (EconLit) , 8:5, 487-49
  9. Lin, M. Y., Wang, H. H. (2009) “What Causes the Volatility of the Balancing Item?”, Economics Bulletin, 29:4, 2749-2759. (EconLit).
  10. Lin, M. Y., Wang, J. S. (2008) “Capital Outflow and Unemployment: Evidence from Panel Data”, Applied Economics Letters, 15:14, 1135-1139. (SSCI).
  11. Lin, M. Y., Wang, J. S. (2008) “Mean Reversion of Balance of Payments: Evidence from Sequential Trend Break Root Tests”, Economics Bulletin, 6:4, 1-10. (Econlit).
  12. Wang, J. S., Lin, M. Y. (2006) “Number Selection Strategy of Lottery Players-an Empirical Study of the Taiwan Lottery”,《台灣經濟預測與政策》,37:1, 49-67。 (TSSCI)


  1. 王智賢,嚴馥妤,林玫吟 (2019) 〈禮讓參選的賽局分析〉,《選舉研究》,26:2,1-22。(TSSCI)
  2. 王智賢,侯文婷,林玫吟 (2016) 〈聯合行為寬恕政策之跨國比較〉,《社會科學論叢》,10:1, 66-87。(EconLit)
  3. 朱凱頤、林玫吟、王智賢 (2016) 〈金融拆款市場與中央銀 行貨幣政策-台灣之實證研究〉,《臺灣銀行季刊》,67:1, 30-48。
  4. 王寧毅、林玫吟 (2012) 〈台灣熱錢流動的原因與影響〉,《台灣經濟論衡》,10:3,60-80。
  5. 林玫吟 (2009)〈台灣的資本外移與失業: 邊界檢定法的應用〉,《財稅研究》,41:1,101-114。
  6. 林玫吟﹑王智賢 (2004) 〈台灣樂透彩券之價格需求彈性: 隨機選號與自覺選號下之估計〉,《人文及社會科學集 刊》,16:4,487-503。(TSSCI)
  7. 王智賢﹑林玫吟 (2004) 〈生產依賴性﹑國際景氣循環與經濟整合: 台灣之實證分析〉, 《台灣經濟預測與政策》,35:1,91-108。
  8. 王智賢﹑林玫吟 (2004) 〈生產依賴性﹑國際景氣循環與經濟整合: 台灣之實證分析〉,《台灣經濟預測與政策》,35:1,91-108。
  9. 林玫吟、王麗娟、楊美瑄、蔡佳何、賴欣愉 (2003) 〈美國存託憑證與其他價格因素之連動關係 – 台積電、聯電之實證研究〉, 《真理財經學報》, 8, 51-76。
  10. 林玫吟、毛慶生 (2001) 〈貨幣法則與所得波動〉, 《經濟論文叢刊》, 29:3, 235-262。 (TSSCI)
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