
Jane, Wen-Jhan
教授兼系主任  Department Chair and Professor
TEL:886-2-22368225 ext.63401 / FAX:886-2-22361658
簡歷 Curriculum Vitae
Office Hour:
研究專長/興趣 Fields of Interest
勞動經濟學 Analysis of Labor Markets、運動經濟學 Sports Economics、應用個體計量經濟學 Applied Microeconometrics
Ph. D. in Industrial Economics, National Central University.
Wen-Jhan Jane is a Professor of Economics and a former Chair of the Department of Economics (2017-18) at Shin Hsin University. His recent research focuses on the Industrial Economics, Labor Economics, Economics of Sport and Recreation, specifically the topics of peer effects, competitive balance in the professional leagues, salary discrimination, and information cascade in the motion picture industry.
Current Position:
Professor, Dept. of Economics, Shih Hsin University, 2015/2-
Department Chair, Dept. of Economics, Shih Hsin University, 2022/8 –
Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Physical Education, National Taiwan Normal University, 2017/2-
Past Position:
Chief Secretary, Taiwan Association of Input-Output Studies (TAIOS), 2021/2-2023/1
Department Chair, Dept. of Economics, Shih Hsin University, 2017/8 – 2018/7
Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Osaka University, Winter 2018
Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, Shih Hsin University, 2011/2-2015/1
Visiting Scholar, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, Singapore, Summer 2010
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Economics, University of Washington, United States, Summer 2009
Visiting Scholar, Dept. of Economics, University of Washington, United States, Summer 2008
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Economics, Shih Hsin University, 2007/8-2011/1

2. 2014-2015 東亞經濟與管理研討會籌備小組,委員。
3. Cheng Shewo Award, Excellent Researcher in Shin Hsin University, 2016.
4. Award for NSC Special Award for outstanding research talent, 2015/科技部104年度大專校院特殊優秀人才獎勵.
5. Cheng Shewo Award, Excellent Researcher in Shin Hsin University, 2013.
6. The Ministry of Education colleges pay special talents flexibility reward/教育部大專校院特殊優秀人才彈性薪資獎勵(102-103學年)
7. The Excellent Researcher for Ph.D. Student in National Central University, 2007.
8. The Scholarships of Chung-Hwa Rotary Educational Foundation, 2005-2006.

  1. Jane*, W. J. (2022), “Hot Hand Fallacy and Performance under Pressure — Evidence from Professional Basketball,” Kyklos (SSCI, 經濟學門 B+級), accepted on Nov. 29.
  2. Jane*, W. J. (2022), “Choking or Excelling under Pressure — Evidence of the Causal Effect of Audience Size on Performance,” Bulletin of Economic Research (SSCI), 74 (1), 329-357. First published: 18 August 2021 https://doi.org/10.1111/boer.12307.
  3. Jane*, W. J. (2021), “The Impact of Cultural Distance on Salary— the Case of Samurai Japan,” Eurasian Economic Review (Emerging Sources Citation Index), 11, 85-123
  4. Jane*, W. J. (2021), “Cultural Distance in International Films: An Empirical Investigation of a Sample Selection Model,” Journal of Economics and Business (EconLit), online published on Sep. 22, 105945.
  5. Jane*, W. J., S. T. Chen, and Y. J. Su (2020), “Contestant Heterogeneity and Hack-a-Shaq Strategy in Team Efforts in Professional Basketball Games”, International Journal of Sport Finance (SSCI), accepted on April 20.
  6. Jane*, W. J. (2020). Pecuniary Incentive in Tournaments and Effects of Players’ Heterogeneity on Efforts
    in the Association of Tennis Professionals. Panoeconomicus (SSCI), Volume 67, Issue 1, 69-92, DOI:
  7. Jane*, W. J., M. Sasaki, and J.S. Wang (2019), “The Effects of Pricing Strategies on Team Revenues in the National Hockey League”, International Journal of Sport Finance, accepted on April 14, 2019 (Manuscript 540).
  8. Jane*, W. J. (2018). “Pecuniary Incentive in Tournaments and Effects of Players’ Heterogeneity on Efforts in the Association of Tennis Professionals”. Panoeconomicus (SSCI), 1-42. DOI: 10.2298/PAN170206017J
  9.  Jane*, W. J., JIA-LING YAO, JYE-SHYAN WANG (2018). Having Good Friends is a Good Thing: The Effects of Peers and Superstars on Performance in Swimming Competitions. International Journal of Economic Sciences (EconLit), Vol. VII(1), 39-64, DOI: 10.20472/ES.2018.7.1.003
  10. Jane*, W. J., Y. S. Kuo, J. S.Wang and P. H. Fang (2017), “The effect of contract length and player performance on renegotiated salary: a case study in Major League Baseball”, International Journal of Financial Research (EconLit), Vol. 8, No. 2, 194-212.
  11. Y. L. Hsu and W. J. Jane* (2016), “Bidirectional Causality for Word of Mouth and the Movie Box Office: An Empirical Investigation of Panel Data”, Journal of Media Economics (SSCI), VOL. 29, NO. 3, 139-152, DOI: 10.1080/08997764.2016.1208206.
  12. Jane, W. J. (2016), “The Effect of Star Quality on Attendance Demand: The Case of the National Basketball Association,” Journal of Sports Economics (SSCI), Vol. 17, Issue 4, 396-417, DOI 1527002514530405.
  13. Jane*, W. J.,W. P. Chen and Y. L. Hsu (2015), “The Impact of Deregulation on the Movie Box Office after Taiwan’s Entry into the WTO: The Difference-in-Differences Estimation”, Eurasian Business Review, Volume 5, Issue 2, Page 289-308. DOI: 10.1007/s40821-015-0025-1
  14. Jane, W. J. (2015). Peer Effects and Individual Performance: Evidence from Swimming Competitions. Journal of Sports Economics, 16(5), 531-539. DOI: 1527002514521429.
  15. Jane, W. J. (2015), “Customer Discrimination and Outcome Uncertainty in the World Baseball Classic: The Case of the Taiwanese Television Audience”, in The Sports Business in The Pacific Rim—Sports Economics, Management and Policy, Vol. 10, Young Hoon Lee (Sogang University, Korea) and Rodney Fort (University of Michigan, US), Eds. United States: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-319-10036-4, Pages 103-121.
  16. Wang, J.S., C.F. Cheng, and W. J. Jane* (2014), “Buying Success or Redistributing Payment: Bidirectional Causality in Korean Professional Baseball League”, Eurasian Business Review (EconLit), 4(2), Pages 247-260.
  17. Jane, W. J. (2014), “The Relationship between Outcome Uncertainties and Match Attendance: New Evidence in the National Basketball Association,” Review of Industrial Organization (SSCI), Volume 45, Issue 2, Pages 177-200. DOI 10.1007/s11151-014-9436-x.
  18. Chiang, Y. H. and W. J. Jane* (2013). “The Effects of Outcome Uncertainties, Patriotism, and Asian Regionalism in the World Baseball Classic,” Journal of Media Economics (SSCI), Volume 26, Issue 3, Pages 148-161, DOI: 10.1080/08997764.2013.811586.
  19. Kuo, M. H., P. K. Huang, and W. J. Jane (2013). “The Impact of the Financial Tsunami on Stock Investment Behavior: the Case of Individual Investors in Taiwan,” Investment Management and Financial Innovations (EconLit), Vol. 10, Issue 1, Pages 207-217.
  20. Jane*, W. J., S.T. Chen, and M.H. Kuo (2013). “Does Salary Discrimination by Nationality Exist? The Case of Nippon Professional Baseball League,” Modern Economy (EconLit), Volume 4, Pages 93-101. DOI: 10.4236/me.2013.42012.
  21. Jane, W. J. (2013). “Overpayment and Reservation Salary in the Nippon Professional Baseball League: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis,” Journal of Sports Economics, Volume 14, Issue 6, December, Pages 563 -583. (Published online 30 January 2012, pp. 1-21.)
  22. Jane, W. J. (2012). “Minority’s Salary Discrimination in the Chinese Professional Baseball League,” International Journal of Sport Finance (SSCI), Volume 7, Number 1, Pages 73-93 (NSC 99-2410-H-128 -009).
  23. Jane*, W. J., Y. P., Ou, and S. T. Chen (2011). “The Effects of Equities on Team Performance for Winners and Losers in Nippon Professional Baseball: A Quantile Analysis”, Giornale degli Economisti (EconLit), Volume 70, Number 1, Pages 117-138.
  24. Jane, W. J. (2011), “The Effects of Equities on Organizational Performance in Chinese Professional Baseball League”, AFRICAN JOURNAL OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (SSCI), Volume 5, Issue 15, Pages 6132-6137.
  25. Jane*, W. J., N. F. Kuo, J. Y.Wu, and S. T. Chen (2010), “The Attraction of Baseball Games in a Small-Size League: Are the Effects of Outcome Uncertainties Really Important?” International Journal of Sport Finance, Volume 5, Number 4, Pages 296-313 (NSC 98-2410-H-128 -016).
  26. Jane*, Wen-Jhan,W. H. Kong, Y. H. Wang (2010), “Individual Efficiencies and Club Performance: An Empirical Panel Analysis of Professional Baseball”, Managerial and Decision Economics (EconLit), Volume 31, Issue 5, Pages 363 – 372 (NSC 96-2451-H-128-007).
  27. Jane, W. J. (2010), “Raising Salary or Redistributing It: A Panel Analysis of the Major League Baseball”, Economics Letters (SSCI), Volume 107, Issue 2, Pages 297-299.
  28. Jane*, W. J., G. San, and Y. P. Ou (2009), “The Causality between Salary Structures and Team Performance: A Panel Analysis in a Professional Baseball League”. International Journal of Sport Finance, Volume 4, Issue 2, Pages 136-150.
  29. Kong, T. Y. and W. J. Jane* (2008), “Salary Disparities and Organizational Performance: A Different Viewpoint from Inter-Organization”. The Empirical Economics Letters (EconLit), Volume 7, Issue 11: November, Pages 1116-1125.
  30. San, G. and W. J. Jane* (2008), “Wage Dispersion and Team Performance: Evidence from the Small Size Professional Baseball League in Taiwan”, Applied Economics Letters (SSCI), Volume 15, Issue 11 September, Pages 883 – 886.
  31. Jane, W. J. (2007), “Peer Effects on Pay and Mincerian Wage Equation: Evidences from Chinese Professional Baseball League”, The Empirical Economics Letters, Volume 6, Issue 6, Pages 457-465.
  32. 吳詩婷與簡文政(2015),消費者歧視之探究-以美國職業籃球聯盟為例,調查研究—方法與應用(TSSCI),第33期(2015年4月),7-32。
  33. 曾憲郎與簡文政(2002),內閣制政治景氣循環,問題與研究(TSSCI, ISSN: 0591-2539),第四十一卷。第四期, 115-138.

大學部  經濟學  探索經濟與產業  計量經濟學



Cheng Shewo Award, Excellent Researcher in Shin Hsin University, 2016.

Award for NSC Special Award for outstanding research talent, 2015/科技部104年度 大專校院特殊優秀人才獎勵.

Cheng Shewo Award, Excellent Researcher in Shin Hsin University, 2013.

The Ministry of Education colleges pay special talents flexibility reward/教育部大專校院特殊優秀人才彈性薪資獎勵(102-103學年).

The Excellent Researcher for Ph.D. Student in National Central University, 2007.

The Scholarships of Chung-Hwa Rotary Educational Foundation, 2005-2006.